About Products
Baywei M7 Multibeam Sonar
with Integrated GNSS/INS

M7 is a highly-versatile, high-resolution multibeam echo sounder, which is also extremely simple to use and to install on the vehicle. The tightly coupled GNSS INS makes it easy to integrate even on ultra-small vehicles and very quick to mobilize. Its hydrodynamic form factor and its low power consumption makes it the perfect choice for small autonomous surface vehicles, data acquisition included.
Baywei M4 Multibeam Sonar
M4 is a highly-versatile, high-resolution multibeam echo sounder which is also extremely simple to use and to integrate. Universities (Engineering, Robotics, Archeology etc.) will find this affordable cutting-edge sonar to be the perfect choice for advanced programs. The hydrodynamic form factor and low power consumption makes M4 the ideal choice for small autonomous surface vehicles and AUVs alike.

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About Baywei
Who we are:
Baywei offers high-quality sonar technology (the same quality available form the most renowned brands) at an affordable price. The ideal product for the price-conscious customer.
At Baywei we believe in making underwater exploration simpler and more accessible. We believe in automation and robotics. We believe that the exploration of our littoral waters and lakes Is crucial to develop the next BLUE economy.
Our customers:
Survey companies, universities and scientists, vehicle manufacturers, underwater vehicle manufacturers
Our Products:
A line of state of the art, super compact, space saving, light and hydrodynamically efficient multibeam echo sounders for a wide variety of applications
Product line:
Baywei M2 - Super compact, high performance Multibeam echo sounder
Baywei M5 - Multibeam echo sounder with integrated GNSS INS